Engineering and Consulting Services: Finite Element Analysis 
Finite element method is a powerful method which allows us to tackle a wide range of problems in design stage. This method allows us to model the intended design, analyze relevant operating scenarios, and estimate the response of a system under each operating condition (including normal, upset, emergency, and faulted conditions). To be more specific, modeling real condition, as is, such as geometry, dynamic loads, crack, etc. can play as a key factor in evaluation of system response in order for us to make the best decision whether a pressure vessel or pipe run will be susceptible to failure.
The ACE performs FEA for pressure vessels and piping components necessary to be evaluated with finite element method. Derivation of stresses, linearization of them, their classification, and comparison with code allowable limits will be performed technically with finite element software. The scope of services is as follows:
Performs elastic analysis and comparison of stresses with allowable code limits (Based on ASME Sec. VIII Div.2)
- Performs limit load analysis
Performs elastic-plastic analysis and comparison of stresses with allowable code limits (Based on ASME Sec. VIII Div.2)
Performs non-linear analysis of piping supports
Performs buckling analysis
- Evaluates response spectrum of seismic loads
- Pressure Vessels
- Piping Components
- Piping Supports