Author Archives: acesadmin

How to Calculate the Width of Pipe Rack?

Ans.: The following formula can be used as a thumb rule: W= (1+B) x (F x N x S + A) Where: F: Safety Factor                    = 1.5 If pipes are counted from PFD.                    = 2 If pipes are counted from P&ID. N: number of lines in the densest area up to […]

Support Types of Vessels

  1- Vertical Equipment  Leg: Application: Small vertical drums to very large vessels and spheres up to 80 feet in diameter such as Spherical Pressurized Storage Tanks The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. Cross bracing between the legs is typically used to help absorb wind or earthquake loads, […]

What is the minimum distance to be maintained between two welds in a pipe?

Ans.: The rule of thumb is that the minimum distance between adjacent butt welds is 1 x D. If not, it is never closer than 1-1/2″. This is supposedly to prevent the overlap of HAZ s. Minimum spacing of circumferential welds between centerlines shall not be less than 4 times the pipe wall thickness or […]

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